A Few Simple Steps You Can Take To Make Your Gym Better

Here are a few simple steps you can take to make your martial arts gym better.

Sometimes running a gym seems completely and utterly overwhelming. Bills to pay, no leads, taxes, unreliable staff (not all of them…lol), and the list goes on.

In this article, I sorted out some valuable steps that you can follow to make your gym better, so keep reading!

Obviously, if certain things in your gym were better you’d be a lot HAPPIER. If so let’s do something about it.

Let’s break down your gym into 3 areas.

  • Culture – What is the vibe in your gym? Does everyone have a positive attitude and happy to be there (instructors included)?
  • Traffic –  Are you getting a steady flow of new leads and students?
  • Profit –  If your gym is not profitable, your stress levels will never go down. Profits allow you to keep improving the gym and live a life.
Rate each on a scale of 1-5.

Now if you’re reading this far, I bet some of these numbers are pretty low.
But find the lowest number.

Culture: 1
Traffic: 4
Profits: 2

Martial Arts Gym Better

Find an area where you’re really low and bummed out about it.  Don’t worry, we all have areas that bum us out but I promise when you improve them you will feel so much better.

Now get out a piece of paper and list 5 things that you could do (be detailed) to improve that number.

I want you to start trying the simplest of those 5 things today and keep doing them until you have implemented all 5.  Cross those off as you complete them and make your martial arts gym better.

This might sound incredibly simple, but try it out RIGHT NOW and see if your gym and life don’t start changing one day at a time.

For you, overachievers go back and update your scores in the 3 areas and work on the new lowest area.  You can keep going back to this list and improving it throughout the year.

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.

Don’t forget to check out one of my blog posts here.