4 Ways To Get More Organic Traffic

4 Ways To Get More Organic Traffic

There are ways to get organic traffic that will get you more Leads, Sales, and Profits in your business.

I know a lot of guys don’t have a big budget to spend and they’re trying as many ways as they can to get stuff done without spending any money.

Organic Traffic
So these are four key ways that you can get more traffic to your site, more people on your page, more engagement with potential clients and also keeping current students excited and interested in training.
Building on Instagram stories with the location.
The first one is Instagram stories with a location what I mean by that is you do your story on Instagram and make sure it’s linked to your Facebook page. That way when you post you’ll get it on two different places you’ll get on Facebook and Instagram stories. When you put the location in your Instagram story it’ll show in a third place which is your local story.
For me it’s Keller, I’ve been in Thailand and done it and it’ll be like Phuket story. It aggregates all the stories feed.
When people see the story it has a link to your gym if you put it in your location and it goes right to your Instagram. Make sure to have a link to your website in your Instagram bio. This will drive free traffic to your website.
By documenting what you’re doing at your gym you’ll know how things are going.
If you’re not doing it, have an assistant do it or have one of your coaches.
Facebook Live Videos
Everybody’s heard about live videos but it’s super important to do live videos on Facebook. It gets you the most organic reach right now especially if you can get people to engage with it. Another hack you can do with this while you’re on the live video is to have another instructor invite people to watch the video.
To get more people on the video live so you can get more reach and more engagement. Then it’s gonna run for days after that the organic reach so you’ll get way more video views and engagement doing live videos and you will be uploading videos.
Consistent content
This is a big one I see with clients when they first come on board with us consistent content you have to be posting daily keeping your Facebook page updated pictures, update what’s going on at the gym gets people excited. If you have a dead page it’s not very exciting to go to. If you start running ads off a dead page your ad costs will be higher, so a consistent content.
Engaging content
Last but not least engaging posts just don’t post the same thing over and over again. Make your post engaging. Ask questions. Give tips –things like that questions get the biggest engagement even fun questions have nothing to do with training. Like, what are you doing on the weekends when you’re not training?
Things like that but be engaging and don’t just post it and forget it.
When you post on this and people interact with it interact with the comments, that’s huge. Reply back, it creates a dialogue and engagement on the page which drives more people to see it.
Then more people click on it then it pops up in their friends’ news feeds and the more people see it organically.

1. Instagram Stories with location and tags.
2. Facebook Lives
3. Consistent Content
4. Engaging Content
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