Do More and Do It Better

Do more and do it better.

Hey, what’s up? I’m glad you’re here.

I’ve been getting this question a lot from people, “How do I get more traffic when I have a small budget or no budget?

And the answer is two things:

Do more and do what you do better.

Especially if you don’t have any budget and you’re broke and you can’t afford things. Like when I first opened my gym, it was a lot of hustle, yard signs, you name it.

I would do any marketing thing I could think of and then just try to get better and better.

But you’re going to have to do more.

If you don’t have the money, you have to put in the sweat equity to build your business. And then as you grow, you can start to bump in your ad budget.

As you get for your sign-ups of 10, 20, 30, and 40 people a month, your budget is going to change what you’re going to be doing.

But you have to do more if you’re not getting enough traffic. You got to be blogging, you got to be using Facebook, you got to be using Instagram, you got to be using YouTube, you got to be using groups.

Do anything you can to get traffic to your site and then make sure your site is good so it converts.

And then work on making your ad copy better, your post copy better. Do your videos better, and everything you do you have to do better.

Because eventually someone is going to copy what you’re doing in your area and then you have to keep elevating your game. It’s what happened to me for years, a guy opened a gym on the street, and they copied my ads.

So I always have to stay ahead of the game, keep moving, and keep crushing the things I’m doing. The same thing with Combat Business, people started copying what I was doing so we brought in an actual copywriter who could help us create faster so that they could copy and keep our stuff, and our clients ahead of the game.

Everybody is copying our old stuff that probably is not converting as well anymore and we just keep switching it out.

So do more, do better, and crush this week!

Make sure to check my other blogs here.

P.S. If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out my program, Your First 100 Students.