3 Steps To Getting Better Results With Your Ads
Everyone I talk to wants more traffic and more leads. It’s the lifeblood of a Business. You need to get better results with your ads.
If you are running traffic to cold audiences you will see your ad spend keep rising. The goal is to run traffic to warm audiences so you get better results for less money.
Lets first breakdown these 2 types of traffic.
Cold Traffic: This is usually someone who doesn’t know you or your business. You would set up ad targeting to market your ads to people who like MMA or BJJ. So they have shown an interest in what you offer but don’t know you. This is casting a wide net.
Warm Traffic: This is someone who has seen your Business Facebook Page or one of your short and informing videos. They are more likely to engage with your content.
Going forward the goal is to run your ads to Warm Traffic and keep growing your Warm Traffic Audience.
Here is a simple 3 step system to get more quality leads on Facebook.
1. Pixel the pages of your website. Now you can market to everyone who has visited your site.
2. Create engagement with the audience of your business page on FB. You can get very specific with this, but I recommend keeping this one simple to any engagement.
3. Save these 2 audiences into 1 and run your ads to them. Once you have these audiences saved you can easily use it for future ads.
Now your ads are going to Warm Traffic! This is the best way to get better results with your ads.
Simple and to the point.
If you need help setting this up and would like the insider information on what’s working now then you need to get in our Martial Arts Accelerator Program.
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If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.