Define Your Market To Grow Your Martial Arts School

This week we’re gonna talk about “who is your market”?

This is more important than any funnel, any sale system you can build out.

If you don’t know who you’re talking to then you’re gonna be falling on deaf ears most of the time.

You’re gonna waste a ton of money.

This is super, super important: Do you know who you’re talking to?

This really got clubbed over my head when I went to Mitch Miller’s event in Phuket, Thailand. And basically, he broke it down that the most important thing is your market. And then, of course, your message to the market, but market is the most important.

Who are you talking to you?

What are they like and into? What are their hobbies, maybe their fears, or desire and needs?

Define it as much as you can. Basically, take out a sheet of paper and write down everything about a person.

Who is your market?

For me, my perfect avatar is a married guy with two kids between the ages of 28 and 50. Has a good job, owns a house, things like that. That’s my perfect avatar. Basically, because it’s almost like me. And I relate well to a lot of those guys. And they’re probably my best clients because they’re a lot of fun to work with. We got a lot of things in common.

But I can speak to them really easily. When I’m writing a fitness kickboxing ad I have to change completely. I’m trying to talk to me, and I run a fitness kickboxing ad for women, it’s gonna fall on deaf ears.

It just won’t make any sense. So you have to get in their head.

Some of the best copywriters in the world would literally try to get in their avatar’s head. They’ll try to become their avatar. Especially writing for women because women want way different things than men want. I mean we all know that, if you’re married you definitely know that.

Everyone has a little bit different appeal to it, so you have to know who you’re talking to.

Who are you talking to?

A really good way to do this is to get out a sheet of paper. Like I said write out a name like Tom or Spot, Suzette, Suzanne, whoever, anybody. Basically, just go in and you create your avatar.

How old they are, where they live, what they want, what’s their desire.

When you’re writing copy you always write back and think back. Like, ‘I’m marketing this person, and I’m gonna spend money to drive these leads into my gym’.

They need to match my market. If my message is completely off of my market then it’s not gonna make any sense. They’re gonna scroll pass it on Facebook.

They’re not gonna look at it on YouTube, things like that. So you have to find out who your market is.

Get laser-focused on that. Spend more time on that. It’s like the old quote where you had an hour to cut down a tree. You’re gonna spend the whole hour cutting down the tree. Or you’re gonna spend 55 minutes sharpening the ax so you can chop it down with ease.

Focus on who your market is. Then later on in a future episode we’ll talk about the message: How you take that market to message.

You connect the two and it’s huge.


It accelerates everything. It amplifies your traffic, amplifies your sales, amplifies all your results.

So get laser-focused on who you’re talking to. Spend the time doing the research and I guarantee you it’s gonna pay off huge in the long run, because this is a marathon. This is not a sprint. It’s like I’m gonna be doing this for a long time, I want my gym around for a long time and all of my clients are the same way.

If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out my TRIBE Trajectory Package.

Also, check out one of my previous blog posts here.