Directions, Nurturing, Appreciation: Keys to Moving Forward in Life

Not everyone knows what they want in life, they don’t know where to start. It feels like their life has no direction, stuck in a rut. It gets so frustrating, right? If you’re feeling this, well, you have to fight the monster inside of you.

I’ve failed so many times, I’ve been broken and down. At the time Martial Arts became my life. I was so in love with it. In a way, this was my direction in life.

I knew I had the fire inside of me and despite the flames waning, a small spark could ignite the fire once again in me! We all have a fire inside that we need to grow and nurture. It wasn’t and isn’t an easy road, but I persevered and kept my goals in check and kept going.

This amazing memorable photo reminds me of so many things. It was the time I got my 4th stripe (14 years at Black Belt) and got to see my coach Travis Lutter get his 5th.

What would have happened if I’d given up earlier in the game? I wouldn’t have tasted that sweet victory of my 4th stripe. Can’t imagine my life without Jiu-Jitsu…that would suck. So what’s the point I’m trying to drive here?

✅Nurture that fire you had when you started out! Don’t let it die out because of the strong winds that try to blow out the flames.

✅Get clear on the direction you want to take in your life and own it! Then take clear actions and goals to work towards it.

And on that note, I’d like to thank Carlos Machado for bringing Jiu-Jitsu to Texas and teaching us !!

Martial arts is more than a physical discipline; it’s a way of life. Beyond the kicks and punches, it imparts valuable life lessons that extend far beyond the dojo.

By setting clear goals, nurturing your growth, and appreciating your achievements, you can move forward with purpose and intention, both in martial arts and in the broader canvas of life.

***If you want daily help with reaching your goals, check out my IG and my FB page!***

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