Don’t Worry So Much

It’s time to stop worrying so much!

As gym owners, we are always worried about the future- will people join our gym? Will they cancel their membership? What if there is competition down the street?

In today’s blog post, I want to share with you some statistics that might make you feel better. According to a study by psychologists Dr. Bruce Anchor and Dr. Gregory Burns, 95% of the things we worry about will not happen! So don’t worry so much- it won’t do you any good! Instead, focus on the 5% of things that might happen, and put your energy into preparing for them. Trust me, your gym will be just fine!

This is a big step I took in my personal development and really kind of changed things around for me. I was constantly worrying about stupid things that ended up never happening.

Don't worry so much

Granted 5% could happen.
But that’s why you have to keep your life in some semblance of order and do the right thing.
Though 95% of what you’re thinking is not gonna happen, so don’t worry about it.
Keep going and keep moving.
I’ll tell you a funny story about me and my craziness. Last week I worked up a story in my mind that I was gonna get fired by one of my clients and my marketing company.
I had all these thoughts and I’m gonna get fired blah blah blah blah blah. Then finally, I called to see how things are going because I hadn’t heard from them.
I call and everything’s great, we’re killing it and there’s nothing wrong.
They were busy.
Don’t Worry
You can make up some stupid stuff in your head to worry about. Don’t worry about 95% of the stuff that you’re worried about.
There’s your tip for today.
If you found this helpful, please share it, and have a great day.
Go after it!
If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out our Tribe Accelerator Program.
Also, check out my other blog post here.