Double Tap Your Emails

Double Tap Your Emails

Hey, welcome to this week’s episode, double-tap your emails. I’m glad you’re here.

Today, we’re going to talk about email. Everybody should be emailing your list at least once a week. If you’re not, get on that and try to get in that one to three emails a week range. But one is enough, if you get one that’s good, make sure it’s got good content and you’re getting it out consistently. Entertaining, educating your list.

But the one I’ll talk about today is a way to get a lot more traffic, a lot more reads, a lot more clicks. And that is double tapping your email. Send it again for 48 to 72 hours after you sent the first one.

All you got to do is go into your email service provider and click resend options and then resend it to everyone who hasn’t opened the email yet.

So, they might have seen it. They deleted it or whatever, you don’t know for a reason. They might not plan on looking at it again and they didn’t.

This gives you the option to get that email out to the people who didn’t open it. And yes, people might still have seen it twice and if they get mad, they get mad. That’s part of life. They didn’t like your stuff that much anyways.

Because if your stuff’s good, entertaining, educating, they’re going to read it. They’re going to stay on the list. If it’s not, they’re not.

The key with this one is, to hit that. Because if you’re getting a 20 percent open rate, which is a good open rate on your first email, and you pick up an extra five to ten percent, that’s huge.

And now you’re getting a really high open rate. People are reading your stuff, they’re engaging, they’re seeing more of your content.

So, it takes no time to do it. When you go in there, like I use Active Campaign, it probably takes less than 10 seconds to send the second email.

You now wait to that 48 to 72 hours, send it out and just make sure you’re putting out good content that you want your audience to read. And then they’re not going to get irritated. If they do, they do because you want to track your perfect customer.

It’s like the lists and I’m on even thinking a lot of emails, I don’t read them all the time. I still enjoy them, I’m not getting off the list because I like what the people are showing me and they’re educating me, and they’re entertaining me. They’re teaching me.

Really focus out on making good quality content then go ahead and get that second email. Basically, you’re setting the first email and wait two to three days and then resend to the people who have not opened it. And then you’ll watch, you’ll see your rates, your open rates go up, your click rates go up.

If your unsubscribes go up at the beginning, that’s fine just move on from those people and focus on the people you can help. And just keep getting more traffic to your different offers, your educational pieces, your blogs, your content or like that.

So, get out there keep after it and keep crushing it see you next week!

You can also check my other blog on how you can amplify your traffic here.

P.S. I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.