First Impressions

First Impressions

Your first impressions.

Basically, dealing with branding your first impression and what people think of you when they see you. When you think about it, when you look at a lot of those stats on Facebook, the average watch time of the video is 6 seconds.

A lot of people click off or move on even faster than that so you have to get your impression across as fast as possible.

Who you are? What do you do? Who do you help?

Because you don’t have much time. People are scrolling through so you have to have good headlines and good content.

But really really dialing in the message to your market, that’s the first thing. We talked about it before in other episodes but if you have your message dialed into your market you’re that much more likely to be successful with what you’re putting out.

Also, you have to have a good image. If you do everything perfect and they go to a crappy website. Or you don’t have a website, or you know they look slick on your website, it’s not mobile responsive. I mean there are so many things that can change what someone thinks about your brand.

So, even if you’re a small business you have to think about your brand because people are judging you compared to other people in your industry.

Spend that extra time. Get your website tuned up. Make sure your graphics are on point, have better pictures, and better copy because those things help.

Even though you might have the best Facebook posts or Instagram posts in the world but if somebody goes to a crappy website these have to be congruent.

You want to make sure your brand is really on point all the way across especially in your local business. If you have a local gym, look at the martial arts school I got with my clients. They don’t have a bad website, that’s super important.

Make sure the outside of your gym looks good, the inside of your gym looks good. Everything needs to be solid because when you’re putting together these amazing posts, content, and videos people are all excited. And when they go up there and they see your website it sucks. They see your gym it doesn’t look the best and these are the things you could have improved.

Those things are all huge factors and buying decisions.


So, really spend a little time. For me, it was fun to be around people in different industries. Spend so much time and money on branding and see why they do it in the real reasons and then the breakdown of it was really really eye-opening to me.

Spend a little more time making sure everything around my brand is on point. I actually hired Mike and he’s gonna be redoing my whole personal brand for my speaking, my coaching, and consulting business now.

I’ll even have to do some stuff from my MMA gym eventually but you know it’s really cool and eye-opening for me and I had a lot of fun.

One tip I can give you before we leave is if you don’t have a lot of money and you want to make your gym nicer, or your business nicer is, hire a lady from the gym, one of the parents, anything like that that has some style, and pay them to do a walkthrough.

A lot of times I’ll do it for free there. For a couple of times, people would do it for free, so I’m like,

“Hey, you walk through this gym and tell me what you see as a woman versus what I see as a dude.”

And they will tell you stuff you didn’t imagine. It’s like,

“Put flowers here.” “Update this paint.” These are just little things that make huge differences.

So, get out there to improve your business, improve your life!

PS: Have you check out our Accelerator program for your school?  Hundreds of gym owners can’t be wrong, check it out at Accelerator Program.

If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.