Former Stockbroker and 2x Bestselling Author

Paul was a former stockbroker and 2x bestselling author. He used his business acumen to build his business into one of the most successful gyms in the US. This wasn’t enough for the former stockbroker, and he began creating high six-figure offline businesses for his clients. This has resulted in his consulting company growing well into the 7 figures by helping his clients, all the while living a freedom lifestyle of his own design.

Paul was a former stockbroker and 2x bestselling author.
2 Bulls In A China Shop

Listen to the full episode here.

In this Episode:

  • MMA background
  • Origins of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Consulting for MMA gyms
  • Paul’s advice to business owners
  • Educating kids and the money mindset

Important Quotes:

“I want my family to grow up with a money mindset. My kids understand CNBC, they understand the market, the basic things.”

“I teach gym owners how to build their gyms and how to make money. Once they have money, I teach them the basics and have them set up a brokerage account, set up an IRA, and set up an HSA if they can.”

“We were not taught about money the right way. Especially like growing up where I grew up. I didn’t understand money and only learned about money until I was 26.”

Some people they just wrack up with ton of debt and then they find ways to get out of it the rest of their lives. They want to invest but they get too much debt.”

“Get a bookkeeper and a accountant because if you don’t have those things in place, then you’re just guessing half the time. If you’re making mistakes, it will cost you a bunch of money later on. You’ll learn a lot and be educated too.”

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