From Running Away to Racing Forward: My Journey to Embrace Fitness and Life Planning

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Evening…wherever and whenever you are! Welcome to this week’s blog where we’ll journey together as I Embrace Fitness and Life Planning!

It’s no secret that I have been hating on running for most of my life. I’ve never wanted to do it, I’ve never wanted to get better at it, I’ve never said to myself “I should run more”.

That was until about two weeks ago…that’s right…now I run. And no, not just when I’m being chased LOL.🤣

Two weeks ago, I decided to start a mental challenge for myself: every Saturday (after an hour of Jiu-Jitsu training) I am going for a run. I thought I’d have maybe 2 or 3 dudes join me, but when the time came we ended up as a group of about 20 guys and gals! As part of this journey to embrace fitness and life planning, I have found strength in the community and internal competition to keep pushing forward.

We’ll journey together through the highs and lows of this newfound passion, so get ready as we dive into my quest to Embrace Fitness and Life Planning!

We ran as a pack, and to be honest, it felt really great to be doing it together! But as always, after the FIRST session, I had to turn it into an internal competition. I need to get better, I need to get faster. 

What is wrong with me? I never settle, that’s what. And I’m grateful for that because it pushes me and helps me achieve.💪

As I say, though, a goal without a plan is just a dream. 

🔥Step #1 – Setting my goal was simple, I was running about an 8:38 mile so my goal is to reduce that into the 7’s. For a 225 lb dude, that’s a pretty good clip!

🔥Step #2 – Make my plan AND STICK TO IT. To reach my goal I realized that I had to run more than once per week, so now I do a walk/run every single Tuesday and Thursday on my own. This is a part of my plan, I know what day and what time I will walk/run. I schedule it into these days on my calendar and that way I don’t stress over it because once it’s in there it will get done!

🔥Step #3 – EXECUTE. I lay out my clothes the night before, I put out my shoes, I charge my headphones. So, as soon as I wake up, I can see what I’m doing and I’m ready! (Also, I have no excuses…because God knows if my headphones aren’t charged I can’t possibly go for a run LOL).

What is the lesson here? PLAN YOUR LIFE. If it’s not planned, then it’s not going to happen. You can’t fly by the seat of your pants every day and expect to reach your goals. 

Plan your finances, plan your date night, plan your workout, plan your meals…PLAN PLAN PLAN! What goals are you working towards right now? Do you have a plan? If not, reach out to me and hopefully I can help get you into the groove of planning and accomplishing your goals.

Until next time…I’ll be running!


P.S. If you want to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.

Also, check out one of my blog posts here.