Making the Entrepreneurial Transition

Paul Halme spoke about his entrepreneurial transition from being a stockbroker to a health and fitness career. This allowed him to not only make money but also make a difference in people’s lives.

If you are a value-obsessed person, even after you have amassed significant financial resources, you are not going to be ok with just being average. You will always be personally compelled to do something of value.

Entrepreneurial Transition is shifting from a corporate job to becoming an entrepreneur. This requires effort and attention to improving yourself in order to acquire assets, but never forget that your health is your most valuable asset.

Check the episode out HERE.

In This Episode (Entrepreneurial Transition):

  • Paul’s first major job as a Stockbroker
  • How Paul helped his friend with his Gym
  • The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity Paul chose
  • Changing people’s lives through the gym is a super-rewarding career
  • How fitness and health are so important


If you are operating at a higher level, you have to be in shape to be able to produce, otherwise you’re tired..”

There’s no reason to build your whole life, to build all these assets up just to not get to spend any of them because you didn’t take care of yourself.”

If you’ve got time to plan like really plan ahead, find something you are passionate about and don’t make it more about the money.”

Chasing the money is the hardest thing. Like in my industry like what I do in the gyms. Chasing money was tough but if your chasing like improving people’s lives or something that your passionate about, then the money will come and you’ll become good at running the business.

There’s so much opportunity out there, it’s wild. It’s getting crazier, it’s getting more opportunity with all the web 3.0 stuff happening. It’s so much opportunity. The next decade is gonna be insane.

Check out even more podcast interviews with Paul HERE