My Favorite Place on Earth

My Favorite Place on Earth

My school is my favorite place on Earth.

text: My favorite place on earth

Ever walked into a place that just instantly feels like home? That’s my martial arts school for you. My school is my favorite place on Earth.

Every corner is filled with grit, every mat echoing stories of triumph, setbacks, resilience, and growth. It’s my personal fortress of solitude where folks aren’t afraid to sweat, stumble, and rise again. It’s a place where the weak become strong, the timid find their voice, and where we all grow together as a badass community.

Business Designed Around Lifestyle

Some folks say I’m lucky.

They see travel, freedom, and the so-called glamorous lifestyle. But let me tell you, it isn’t about luck. It’s about aligning the stars yourself, not waiting for them to line up. I designed my business to fit my lifestyle. I took the wheel and steered my ship, instead of just drifting with the current.

Running a martial arts school and traveling isn’t some magical trick. It’s about working smarter, not harder. It’s about creating bulletproof systems that keep the gears of your business grinding even when you’re not there. It’s about leveraging technology, harnessing the power of automation, and streamlining your operations. It’s about owning your business, not letting your business own you.

I’m talking about sharing the secrets of the trade, the tricks of the game with other martial arts school owners. Seeing them turn their dreams into reality, watching their lifestyle schools come alive, man, that’s something!

Paying It Forward: Guiding Future Lifestyle School Owners

And you know what’s even more thrilling than owning a martial arts school and living life on my terms? It’s showing others the ropes.

I get to show other martial arts school owners how to set up their own lifestyle schools.

Guiding future martial arts school owners on the path of setting up their lifestyle schools isn’t just about teaching, it’s about learning too. It’s an incredible journey that fuels my passion, keeps me sharp, and reminds me of why I started all this in the first place.

Yeah, I love the thrill of airports and planes. But let me tell you, the mats of my martial arts school, that’s my favorite place to be. There’s something about that place, the energy, the spirit, the passion, that just beats everything else.

lucky that I get to travel the world.

I am not lucky, I just designed my business to operate around my lifestyle with systems.

Now I get to show other martial arts school owners how to set up their own lifestyle school.

I love airports and planes, but on the mats with my students is my favorite place to be! 

On this note, here’s another blog I recommend you to read where I give unsolicited real-life and business advice when things don’t turn out the way you want them to.

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.