One Business Owner’s Journey to Growth and Success

Starting and growing a business can be a challenging and rewarding journey. By having a strong business ethic, staying focused, determined, and adaptable, you can set yourself up for growth and success as a business owner.

From time to time, it’s helpful to hear someone else’s story about their journey into entrepreneurship and business ownership. There are so many different lessons to learn and things to explore.

Listen to the full episode here.

In this Episode:

  • Paul ‘s journey to entrepreneurship
  • Learning from people who has money
  • Pivot during the pandemic
  • How the company evolves
  • Business growth and success

Important Quotes:

“If you want to get to a higher level, get more money and do more things. You got to hire good people.”

“We tell our clients when things get bad, then you have to do more. You have to market more. Have to sell better. You have to retain better. You have to become a better version of who you’ve been.”

“I think the future is super bright. I’m optimistic especially after going through the last two years… Once we get through this and things balance out, there’s going to be a lot of good opportunity out there for people who want to put in the work.”

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