How To Plan Your Week?

I want to talk to you about a way to plan your week and get a lot more done without a ton of stress.

It helps me a lot with productivity. It’s journaling.

Plan Your Week

Get a piece of paper, you’ll need a notepad. Buy a journal, anything like that.

Plan Your Week: The secret to doing this is on Sunday nights.

Write out every possible thing you need to get done. And then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, you can go ahead and plan your week and what you need to do each day. So you don’t get overwhelmed.

When I don’t do that, that’s when the stress creeps in. I stopped doing things.

You start freaking out “I got all this stuff to do”. I get this time for the gym, this needs to be done for combat business, there are so many different things.

journaling it, planning it, and writing it all.

So I’ve got to get double my work done this week for Peak Performance MMA and Combat Business Success. So it’s a lot to do but journaling it, planning it, and writing it all out, makes it so much easier to get done.

I know I got to double things up so if I can get all these things done. Then I can have some fun, enjoy a little bit, and have a good time. But I still know all my work was done for all my businesses.

And speaking of that, if you haven’t yet, get a copy of my book. It’s got a couple of reviews on Amazon. I was pretty happy with people who talked about how it helped them change their gym.

It was 19 bucks. It’s a game-changer. I put a lot of work into this thing. It’s not a lead magnet, so if you get a chance grab that one on Amazon.

But yeah, just make sure you journal and plan your week!

Focus on what you need to get done.

Do a small task you need to get done. And then, they don’t turn the big things that stress you out and overwhelm you.

I hope that helped you out.

Let’s get after it and let’s get a bunch done because next week’s gonna be a little tricky. So stay on everything at your gym and just have a great week.

Also, take time to read one of my blog posts here.

If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out my program, Your First 100 Students.