Quick Tip – Learning in Thailand

Quick Tip – Learning in Thailand

Learning in Thailand.

What’s going on? Let’s get your week started.

I’m in Phuket Thailand, Mitch Miller’s Project Persuasion 3. And I got some really cool tips I want to share with you, it’s my third time attending Mitch’s event.

I spoke as one of the speakers this year, that’s cool. This year I shared some of the stuff to help business owners get their finances under control and not go broke as an entrepreneur.

But the tip I want to give you today is, get around people that are doing what you want to do.

It’s hard to be an entrepreneur, trying to push out of your comfort zone. But when you find people who are doing what you want to do, when you talk to them, they’re just regular people.

They’re just doing things that you’re not doing, whether doing things slightly different. But when you see that it can be done, it makes you understand that,

“Hey, I can actually do this. I can do this, I can do that”.

And when you go to these things, be social, talk to everybody, don’t sit down and play on your computer and try to work for a bunch. Spend as much time interacting with people as you do learning because you make so many connections.

I’m going to give you an example, I just went talking to different people.

I talked to an amazing lady from the UK who gave me a whole new traffic source that we can use for our clients. I think that would be a game changer in 2019, something I never would have done or looked at using, and they’re crushing it on their business.

So, I’m going to have a call with her next week and go to ways to implement that for my gym and for my clients’ gym. But I wouldn’t have that, I wouldn’t pick that up if I just sat down and didn’t talk to her.

I’m just having lunch with different people. I met so many cool people, Facebook ads manager, doing stuff that I have never even heard of, with pixels and bucketing, it’s insane.


So, whatever you want to do, there is probably someone out there doing it. Just get around them, talk to them, learn from them, go to their events, talk to the attendees.

Keep working to get better at what you want to do unless you’re happy where you’re at, then just do that, that’s fine too. But if you want to get to a different level, get around the people that are doing it.

So, have a great week. I’ll be flying home in a couple of days and implementing these amazing stuff I picked up here. I’ll see you soon!

PS: Have you check out our Accelerator program for your school? Hundreds of gym owners can’t be wrong, check it out at Accelerator Program.