Quick Tip – Masterminding in Colombia

Quick Tip – Masterminding in Colombia

Masterminding in Colombia. Hey there, glad you’re here. I’m live from Colombia. I’m here for a mastermind retreat.

I’m working with some other business owners from around the world to improve our businesses. And make the most of 2019 and the next years to come.

I had a cool experience to share with you.

Yesterday, just basically breaking down, sitting down, talking about what I’m working on. Where I feel my weaknesses are, things I can improve on but then the power of a mastermind is getting the feedback on it.

People are doing better than you. They can see the road ahead of you, they tell you what’s going on and give you the insights that you need to succeed.

Mitch Miller was running it, they’re really a great analogy.

Last night, we’re having dinner, I can see people’s plans where I need to go with their complaints. But if you look at it from 30,000 foot-view, if you look down on that,

“Oh, I can’t get past this little pebble.”, 

and all you think about is that pebble instead of pushing forward and crushing your goal that’s ahead of them.

So, try to get around people who are doing better than you and let them tear apart what you’re working on. Let them give you a good feedback.

For me it’s good and an eye-opening to have that done. Because I could tell them what I was working on, my goals were, then they look at it and give me good feedback. Maybe something like,

“Hey, you should look in this direction”,

“I’ve been there, I’ve done that”.

So, get along with people who are doing a lot better than you. And also for you to realize that your possibilities of obtaining some of these goals are more likely to happen if you get around people that have done it and can help and guide you.

It’s been a cool experience. I’ll get another blog and some more information on how I learn, things I’ve done. And the summary of being around with these guys and crushing it down.

It’s cool to be around such a powerful mastermind group and see where everybody’s going ahead in the next few years. I want to share that with you.

Be willing to talk to people that are doing better than you. Do not be embarrassed about where you’re at and what your goals are because you can keep growing exponentially.

Just keep pushing, keep moving forward and keep doing things that need to get done every day.

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