Simple Money Systems for Entrepreneurs

Paul’s passion is to teach the new business owners how to invest. He encourages them to follow the simple money systems that helped him build his business into one of the most successful gyms in the US. He creates high 6-figure offline businesses for his clients. Simple money system is all about the time, consistency, and automation.

Following a simple money system is like moving money and building wealth while you’re literally doing nothing. Making your life easier.

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Listen to the full episode here.

In this Episode:

  • Started as a nobody that has a good gym
  • Surviving the pandemic
  • Fundamentals and simple money systems
  • Creating passive income and developing wealth
  • Paul’s inspiration and motivation to continue what he’s doing

Important Quotes:

“If you don’t have your fundamentals, you can’t do fancy stuff. Same thing with business. I break it down with simple things.”

“Get your basics covered.”

Just start with a dollar, create a system. Just get started.”

“I teach the clients to make more money, so then they can take more money, and it becomes a game almost.

“About automation, if you don’t start early, you don’t get to experience that end run where the big real growth is.”

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