Six Words to Close More Sales

Today, we’re going to go over Six Words to Close More Sales.

I know how people hate talking about sales, saying all sales suck.

But in truth, those sales are the lifeblood of your business next to leads.

close more sales

Sales are huge because it allows you to impact people.

These people aren’t coming to your gym to be hard-sold.

They’re coming because they’re looking for something.

If you don’t close them, you didn’t discover what they needed, you didn’t help them figure out what the solution was. That you’re the perfect fit.

I’m gonna show you the key way to do this.

What happens most of the time when someone comes into a gym, and you give them a tour. Or you show them around and say something like, ‘hey what brought you in today?

It’s a super easy question. Most sales guys will ask that question. ‘What brought you in today?‘.

The person that came into your gym might say something along the lines of, ‘Oh you know I’m looking to lose weight.’

And this is a problem, most people stop at that.

And they say ‘oh great we can help you with that‘.

Then they go into their pitch.

‘Hey we got this class’

‘We got that class’

‘We’ve got this’

‘Our trainers won this’

blah blah blah blah blah.

But they never addressed the WHY.

This is super important.

Six words to close more sales.

If someone says come to my gym and they’re like ‘oh yeah I really need to lose weight’.

Okay great, why is that important to you?

Why would I ask them this kind of question?

Because I want this to be all about them.

When they come into my gym it’s a customized experience.

I’m not gonna hard sell them.

If they don’t want to be a member of my gym that’s fine but if they have a problem that I can cure it’s my responsibility to fix it.

So why the why?

If they say ‘oh I wanna lose weight.’

Well, you sit there, ‘why is that important to you?

And then shut up, don’t talk, just listen to them they’re gonna talk.

The first person to talk is gonna lose in this situation.

You let them think about it because there’s some reason they’re in there.

They’re not in there to lose weight.

They’re not gonna lose weight because they can’t go to the park with their kids without getting exhausted.

They come home from work and they want to lay on the couch and they’re just lazy.

They’re 50 pounds overweight.

They’re on blood high blood pressure medication.

And they don’t want to die before their kid graduates.

Everybody has a reason. So, when they come in basically you’re gonna ask them ‘hey what brought you in today?

Find out what brought them in and then we go deeper.

You owe it to them to go deeper.

So, why is that important to you?

I want to find out what the real reason is.

What they need from me and my gym.

You can use it selling anything.

Why is that important to you because at the end of the day it’s all about them.

If your training experience doesn’t live up to this you’re gonna have bad retention rate.

You can always track it back to that. If you can start your customer experience here, “why is it important to you?”.

Go into that next level on building from there. You’re gonna have an epic gym I promise.

So this is huge because I want my guys and my future students to know that I’m interested in them, what they need.

In Conclusion

Everybody comes to my gym for a different reason. Usually, the top five reasons are all the same, but you go one layer deeper.

And I guarantee you you’ll find out the real reason they’re coming in. You’ll increase your sales at your gym and close more sales.

You can impact more people get more people trained in Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, and Krav Maga.

If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Check out the Tribe Trajectory Package.

Check one of my blog posts here.