Tag: Mindset and Motivation

  • The Secrets to Building Wealth

    There is a lot of misinformation about finance, investments, and building wealth out there, this is something Paul often has to battle with when trying to teach his clients what is the best plan for their money. Paul shares with Pete about how he got to where he is today, his businesses, and why everyone…

  • Tell Me Why I Should Buy Your Product?

    Tell Me Why I Should Buy Your Product? Seriously, you want me to explain this to you… The sad thing was in the past I would spend a ton of time convincing someone why they needed what I am offering. Literally explaining it until my head was about to explode like a bag of burning…

  • Scale your Businesses for Greater Success and Profit

    Do you want to develop and scale your ventures into successful and profitable businesses and go on to generate lucrative passive income streams? Paul’s career path is diverse. From one career success to another career success, not just within the niche, but also across a range of businesses and disciplines, Paul was able to scale…

  • The Power of Email

    I know we’re all obsessed with digital marketing. The newest Facebook ads, Instagram, and Facebook stories but the most powerful traffic you can own is that from your email list. As James Schramko says, “with an email list, you own the racecourse!”. Your ad accounts could get disabled, you can get kicked out of Facebook…

  • Former Stockbroker and 2x Bestselling Author

    Paul was a former stockbroker and 2x bestselling author. He used his business acumen to build his business into one of the most successful gyms in the US. This wasn’t enough for the former stockbroker, and he began creating high six-figure offline businesses for his clients. This has resulted in his consulting company growing well into…

  • Making it Through Tough Times

    Taking the leap into entrepreneurship and started training others on the side. Paul and his wife found a space for rent and opened his own gym. Once that got some traction, Paul quit his day job on the stock market and made it through tough times. Having never won any competitions, Paul was still successful because…

  • Health and Financial Security

    Have you ever seen a future where the interest in going to the gym to workout declines? Have you ever thought about what’s next? Health is indeed one of the greatest investments you can prioritize. But beyond that, financial security for your future should not be forgotten. Amid an economic recession, Paul Halme shares how…

  • Walking in Victory

    Victory is defined as the act of defeating an opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. If you’ve ever won anything, you’ve achieved victory. In business, victory means success. Even if you’re at the peak of success, you aim for more and keep walking in victory. Paul Halme is the creator of the Simple…

  • The Money Fight and Slamming Self-Doubt

    Paul is the author of the book, The Money Fight: Take Down Your Money Problems, Slam Your Self Doubt, and Fight Your Way to Financial Freedom. The Money Fight book is all about money and money mindset. Paul wrote this book because he wanted to help a lot of new business owners and those who…

  • Q1 Is In The Books

    Q1 Is In The Books

    Quarter 1 Is In The Books Alright, what’s going on? Quarter 1 is over, we’re in Q2 now. So, we’re over 25% of the year in the books. If you’re keeping track on your goals that you set at the beginning of the year then you’re on your phase to crush those. And if you’re…