The 2 Secrets To More Traffic

Secrets To More Traffic

Secrets To More Traffic.

Hey, how’s it going? I’m glad you’re here. Let’s get this week started off.

I’ve got a tip for you on two of the biggest components that can get more traffic and keep more traffic coming to their sites. This will obviously lead to more opt-ins, more appointments, more sales, more profits.

The secrets are, first of all, is you have to be consistent. Set up a routine and stick to it. Whatever it is that you’re doing, if it’s AdWords, SEO, Blogging, Social Media, anything like that, come up with a system and stay consistent with it.

You have to keep putting up the driving traffic content day-in, day-out. If you don’t put a lot of content then you got to do more paid stuff. Do more AdWords, more YouTube ads, more Facebook ads, more Instagram ads, mix it up.

But you can also do so many things that’ll get you organic reach they’ll last for years. Blogging is huge. Post blog on your site. Work on that all the time and then interlinking your blog articles to each other to different pages on your site to increase your traffic.

This will lead to the second thing that I’d love to talk about, that’s the compound effect when you’re doing these things. When you’re staying consistent, you’re going to compound your results.

So, your Facebook, your YouTube, your Instagram, everything is working together. Drive it to your site. You got your site pixel, then your retargeting on YouTube, Facebook, and Google, and all these things just keep building.


So, you’re building your audiences. You’re building your traffic and you’re going to grow your business and get more students. But if you don’t stay consistent and you kind of slack off then you’re going to see a huge dip in your traffic unless you’re spending a bunch of money.

If you want a good mix of paid traffic and organic traffic, then compound it. Don’t sit there and keep tweaking with things and turning things off you know it’s a huge mistake. I see clients that if something doesn’t start right off the bat, they’ll turn it off.

You got to give things time to see if they’re going to work. Always be testing but don’t just turn everything off. You always want to run tests and see where your traffic’s coming from. I talked about that earlier, having your Google Analytics dialed in so you know where everything’s coming from and going to.

So, make sure you’re doing those things. One, stay consistent and to just start compounding those results. Just keep doing the little things you do and those are going to get you the big results. Hope you have a great week and get out there and crush it.

Don’t forget to check my other blog about getting more traffic here.

P.S. I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.