The Last Dance

The Last Dance“. Have you watched this show yet? If not, stop what you’re doing, turn on Netflix, and WATCH IT. I grew up watching MJ and the Bulls, I think everyone did. They were THE TEAM and he was THE GUY. Right?

The coolest part about this docuseries, for me at least, was seeing how mindset influenced everything that Michael Jordan did (and continues to do). 

What set MJ apart was the strength of his mind. He was head and shoulders above his competitors with his mental fortitude, in fact, I would say he was head and shoulders above ALL athletes.🧠

Like everything else in life, his body and physical abilities followed suit. He was tenacious, and The Last Dance gives us a unique view ‘behind the curtain’…how he affected the people around him, and how he used his mental strength to hone in on his goals and achieve them.

So this begs the question…what is more influential? Mindset or Motivation?🤔

I think that Mindset is the most powerful of the two. 

Motivation comes and goes; think about the last crash diet you tried. You did great for a few days, maybe a few weeks, then you fell back into old habits, and the pounds piled back on. That’s because your mindset was probably weak.

Maintaining a strong mindset is as easy as planning ahead. For example, I knew that the past week I was traveling, I knew that I would probably have a few drinks, and eat a few unhealthy things. I planned and worked it into my overall long-term strategy, so I stayed focused on my goals and my mindset stayed strong. 

If I had relied solely on motivation, well that would have crumpled in the first 24 hours of my trip, and I would have gotten frustrated with myself and let my emotions take over. Then the finer details would get ignored, and then the big details would get ignored…and the next thing I’d put on 20 lbs and wonder what happened. 

Mindset! That’s what happened…or didn’t happen.

How do you strengthen your mind?

You read positive books, you listen to positive podcasts, and you watch positive videos. That’s how. That’s what I do! And I journal, I cannot stress enough the importance of journaling for my mindset. 

🎧So, today, find an uplifting podcast, have a listen, take some notes, and know that you are one step closer to a positive, and strong mindset!🎧

***If you want daily help with reaching your goals, check out my IG and my FB page!***