These 2 Make Everything Worth It

These 2 make everything worth it.

When you become a parent, it feels like you’ve suddenly stepped into a fantastic adventure. It’s like being thrown into an exciting storybook, where each day unfolds a new chapter full of love, challenges, and lots of learning. One of the best parts of this adventure is the incredible love you feel for your children. It’s a type of love that fills your heart to the brim, a kind that is strong, pure, and unconditional.

This love comes with an amazing ability —the ability to be ready to face anything and everything for your kids. The late-night crying, the early morning wake-ups, the tantrums and the messes; these are all parts of the parenting journey.

And while they can be difficult, they also make the adventure more rewarding. You see, when you love someone as much as a parent loves a child, you feel prepared to take on all these challenges. Because you know, at the end of the day, it’s all for them.

Our Everyday Life: My Daughter and Autism

Every day is unique when you have a child with autism. It’s like living in a world where certain rules are different, and once you understand them, everything makes sense.

Most days my daughter doesn’t like to go out and wants to stay home (yeah Autism). She finds comfort in the familiar surroundings, the predictable routines, and the safety of her space. It’s where she feels most at ease, and I’ve learned to respect and value that.

But, the magic often lies in the ordinary, in the routine, in the predictable. There are days that follow the same pattern, and then there are those that surprise us. These are the days when the ordinary turns extraordinary. And often, these are the days we treasure the most.

Shared Happiness: Family Time and Little Victories

One such extraordinary day was during my birthday month. Birthdays are always a time for surprises, and this one came in the form of a delightful change from my daughter.

She greeted me with a happy birthday and wanted to go to dinner.

This might seem like a typical thing for many, but for us, it was a beautiful surprise. It was a step away from her usual routine and a step towards something new.

And the best part?

She didn’t throw anything, she didn’t spit on anyone. Instead, she enjoyed herself, and we all shared a lovely, peaceful meal. It was one of those moments when everything feels just right.

It was a small victory for us, a tiny triumph that filled our hearts with joy. Because in our family, it’s these little victories, these shared moments of happiness, that make our story so special. It’s the times we step out of the ordinary, together, that we remember and cherish the most.

At the end of the day, spending time with family and celebrating our love for each other is what truly matters.

On this note, here’s another blog I recommend you to read where I give unsolicited real advice about life when things don’t turn out the way you want them to.

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