Tracking Your Traffic

Tracking Your Traffic

This time we’ll be talking about tracking your traffic. Yup, I’m talking about Google Analytics.

Probably, one of the most important things you can do to track your traffic is to install Google Analytics on your website. It’ll let you see where the traffic is coming from, how good your traffic is, and how well it’s doing.

Get this done as soon as you can. If you have a website you’re paying for, have them do it for you. If you’re using WordPress, it’s just a WordPress plugin, you can Google how to install the code but it’s super easy.

But the big key is, keep an eye on your traffic, where is it coming from? Is it coming from organic, paid, Facebook, Google or YouTube? What is your traffic?

And then look at the different key factors that you can analyze. The first one you can analyze is the time-on-page. Time on-page is a huge indicator.

If you get a bunch of traffic and everybody’s bouncing off your page the first 20 seconds, 15 seconds, it’s not a good page. Something is wrong. Either your copy is bad, your website loads like crap or your message just doesn’t match your market.

You got to tweak that, fine-tune that. That gives you a lot of data.

So, if something like that happens, you can go to your website, you can change the copy, you can make it more relevant to make sure that whatever you’re running from Facebook or Google to your website matches.

If they’re being told one thing in the ad or the post and then, later on, they found out something totally different, it’s not congruent. You have to make it congruent. Your message has to match what your market is looking for.

I’ll give you that data so you can go and tweak those numbers. Always trying to get your time on page higher which is good for your SEO on your website and quality score through Google so when you drive traffic there, you’re going to see if people are staying or going. Then you can work to tweak that.  


So, there are so many awesome things. If you’re not tracking your traffic then you’re never going to know. You’re just guessing, where this traffic comes from. I don’t know, maybe it came from this or it came from that.

These things will let you know that traffic came from here, this is how long they stayed on the page, and what they did after that. Then you can work from there. We’ll go down and break down more stuff in the next few weeks about Google Analytics.

But I what I want you to do for your homework is, to make sure your Google Analytics code is installed on your site. It’s ready to go and start tracking your pages that are doing the best and the pages that are doing the worst.

And then you can tweak those, refine those, and keep working to make those a little bit better. So that’s your homework for next week. Get out there and keep crashing it.

On this note, here’s another blog I recommend you to read where I give unsolicited real advice about life when things don’t turn out the way you want it to be.

P.S. I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.