Train your Finances like a Gym

Success doesn’t come easily. In any sport, or in Jiu-Jitsu, you need focus and discipline. Same in running a business, there’s no shortcut to success and you don’t get that rich quickly. You have to start training before you enter combat. While in business, you have to know the fundamentals, educate yourself, and have the right mindset. Focus on your goal and train your finances like a gym.

Train Your Finances

Listen to the full episode here

In this Episode:

  • Misconception of passive income
  • Best general tip for a beginner on investing
  • The level to start investing
  • There is no quick rich scheme through investing
  • Mindset that you need to have to be more successful with finances

Important Quotes:

“Passive income is a long boring process which a lot of people do not like to hear it but it’s like any other sport, you learn the fundamentals first. You have to learn to invest first and build up assets.”

“Start reading, watch CNBC start educating yourself with the terminologies and how things work, start reading books about investing. Use automation through banks.”

“Our minds are not designed to put money away, it always find way to spend it.”

“Avoid getting rich quick at all cost. Never put more than what you want to lose.”

“One of the most beautiful parts of Jiu-Jitsu is that it breaks that ego part. If you have an ego, you’re not gonna make it. It’s frustrating, and you get mad. There’s no reason to get mad, You’re gonna tap, big deal. Just move on and find another day.”

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