They Will Take A Shot At You

They Will Take A Shot At You

I hope you’re doing a great week: continue doing your goals, getting things lined up, and getting more done.

But unfortunately, the more successful you become, they’re gonna come for you. They will take a shot at you–it’s inevitable.

They will take a shot at you

I recently had something happen where someone used my name to a kind of promote their own thing, it actually kind of backfired on them because I didn’t give them the response they wanted. And I ended up actually picking up more clients.

So, my advice to you is – just expect it.

People are gonna take shots at you. They are gonna use your name. They’re gonna talk all kinds of trash about you. Why? Because unfortunately, in this world, there are those who don’t wanna see others succeed.

Some are gonna try to tear you down, try to hold you back, try to make you doubt yourself. But here’s the thing: you can’t let them get to you. You gotta stay focused on your goals, stay true to yourself, and keep hustling no matter what they say.

At the end of the day, it’s your actions that define you, not their words. So let them talk, let them hate, let them doubt. ‘Cause you know what? You’re gonna keep on winning, no matter what they do or say.

It’s really messed up.

There’s enough out there for everybody but some people are just so freakin’ negative that they’ll just push that on you. So, embrace that somebody took a shot at you.

First thing, you acknowledge it. “Good, you know, good. Thanks for taking a shot at me, it means I’m making it. Thank you I really appreciate it.”

Next off, don’t respond. Don’t even give them that. I had to fight it back. My wife told me not to respond because I kept wanting to. Don’t get dragged down to their level. Don’t even respond. It never happened.

All it should be is a motivation for you.

Then, the next thing after that, if you don’t respond, up to your game.

Let them know that you’re not here to play. You’re here to crush whatever your goals are and you’re gonna do what it takes. So, keep up-ing in your game.

These things should be motivating not crippling.

So, focus on that, up to your game.

And the last thing, when things like this happen, just take a little time and write down things to be grateful for.

“Are you grateful that you’re alive?”  You’re not lying somewhere on a bed getting ready to take your last breath and die.

No matter what happens, no matter what kind of crap someone says about you, be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for what you can do. And get out there and crush it.

But just expect it. People are gonna take a shot at you. Unless you want to be normal and average, then no one’s gonna take a shot at you.

So, take it as a compliment.

They’re coming after you. That’s a good thing.

So, keep it going.

Keep crushing it.

Keep up to date with my blog and get inspired by my life’s journey and get some tips and ways on how you will improve your life and your business.

P.S. If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out my program, Your First 100 Students.