How To Get Better Search Results

Today we’re gonna be talking about search traffic. How to get better search results.

Where does search come from?

People are always arguing about Facebook, Instagram, and Google AdWords.

How To Get Better Search Results

We had an interesting conversation on a coaching call last week. I was talking to my clients and somebody’s like, “Hey I’m looking for a new accountant. What should I do?”

I was like, well, you should search on Facebook. Then, paused to see what they would do.

Because nobody searches for anything on Facebook. Maybe in the future, they will. But now, they don’t.

If I’m gonna look for something, I’m gonna go to Google.

I’m gonna type in what I’m looking for. I’m gonna go through and look at the ads. And look at the reviews and look at the top SEO pieces that come up.

I’m gonna search first.

I’m always looking for social proof, so when it comes to your business it’s the same thing. Yes, Facebook’s good. Yes, Instagram is good.

There are so many different things now. But you have to have your organic base down and your paid base down. So that would be your organic SEO. Your pages have to be SEO optimized.

You have to have everything relevant and updated.

Keep improving your content.

Once that’s done, then, get into paid ads.

You have paid AdWords. There’s also Bing, which covers most of the Microsoft Network. And YouTube, anything like that.

So cover all the paid traffic.

If someone searches for something on YouTube, they’re gonna find you. If they searched for something in Google, they’re gonna find you. And also on your Google Places or Google local. Whatever you want to call it.

Make sure your user is up-to-date.

You have a bunch of reviews. Everything’s optimized on your page. You’ve filled out everything the page asked for. And just really dial on those things.

Then start branching off into other things. Because just think about when you’re trying to improve your marketing.

Think about it when you go to buy something.

If I’m looking to buy. I’m looking for a new accountant or I’m looking for a new washer and dryer. Something like that. I’m gonna go in, I’m gonna search “best accountants in my town”


I’m gonna look through it, read reviews, look through that, narrow down my choices from there and then move on to that.

So when you’re thinking about your business make sure to go in and optimize for search. Then have paid ads on top of the search ads. And then look at option marketing which is Facebook, Instagram things index.

We all know, you’ll see ads on Facebook, you just scroll through and see something really interesting but you’re looking for something and it’s there then I’m gonna look at it.

And possibly be targeted.

That’s a whole other thing we’ll get into. If somebody goes and sees your Google information, clicks on that go to your website, and your pixels are firing. Then you could run ads for them on Facebook.


So all this stuff creates a big traffic pyramid. Almost where you’re going like straight up.

You can build your traffic as much as you want but you have to have a strong foundation first.

This way you’ll have better search results.

If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out the TRIBE Trajectory Package.

Also, check out my other blog post here. Enjoy and keep crushin’ it!

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.
