Get More Sales

Get More Sales

Today, we’re going to talk about how to get more sales without being a sleazy salesperson.

Alright, So I want to give you guys a tip in this week’s video that can help you a lot with sales. Everybody worries about sales, complains about sales. Most of us hate crappy salespeople, I do too.

But if you do sales the right way, it’s not even sales, you’re just assisting the person who’s looking for something. They’ve come into your gym, they’re looking for either to get in shape, learn self-defense, boost their confidence, things like that.

So, you have to get deep and find out what they really want and give that to them and that makes sales easy. So, I’m going to give you a couple of different tips.

Here’s the first one, everybody asks when somebody comes in,

“Hey, what brought you in today?”

and the people say, “Oh, I want to lose weight.”

or “Oh, I need to get in shape.”

or “Oh, my wife thinks I’m fat”.

So, that part is where lots of people messed up with their sales. The percentage goes down, they go in their sales pitch right away. And they just tell all the information on that person and hope they sign up.

But if you stop for a second, you ask them, what brought you in today? They tell you and then you ask them that,

“Why is that important to you?”.

Then you find out the real reason, it’s like,

“Oh. I need to boost my confidence”.

“Well, why is that important to you?”,

“Oh, well at my job everybody hates me and I just don’t have any confidence.”

Or for a kid, little Johnny you want to get him more confidence and why is that important to you? Because he got bullied at school and XYZ happened.

So, ask the questions, then sit back and listen and don’t just tell them how great your gym is. And your marketing should do that.

When they’re in the gym, you want to help find out what they need and then find out why they need it then just give it to them. That makes sales so much easier.

So, don’t make it so complicated. Just simplify it down and if you can focus on these two things, I guarantee your sales percentage is going to go up.

Hope this helps and don’t forget to just keep crushin’ it!

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.

And also, you might want to check one of my blog posts here.