Overcoming Martial Arts Sales Objection

Overcoming Martial Arts Sales Objection

Do you deal with a lot of objections when you go to present your different offers for your martial arts classes?

Overcoming Martial Arts Sales Objection

Eight times out of 10, the problem is you didn’t go deep enough in the initial part of your tour and your consultation.

I talked about a similar strategy about this in a previous blog.

But eight out of 10 times, if you ask the right questions you’re not gonna have to deal with the objections. Though there are some that you’re gonna have to deal with.

I’m just gonna go over a couple of things that can help you with that.

When you’re on your tour, make sure you ask them, “Are you married?”

If they say, “Yes.” Ask, “Is your spouse behind you in training?”

Get all those things out of the way early. Don’t wait until it hits you at the end when you present your different options.

 “Are you married?”


 “Okay, great!”

 “Does your wife support you with what you want to do?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.”


Now that’s taken care of, you don’t have to worry about that one at the end. And then, if you do get the most common one, it would be PRICING. Whenever they say, “Oh I need to think about it.” There’s something deeper than that. So say, “Oh okay, I understand that you need to think about it. Just so I know, what part do you need to think about.”

Then, just shut up.

 Don’t say anything. Just sit there. Silence. The first one to speak loses. Just sit down.

 Listen to what they have to say.

 At the end of the day, we’re there to help them. There’s something that they want. They don’t just come to a gym because they’re bored and just want to check out their ex. (Maybe one out of a hundred is crazy and does that.)

Most people are coming to the gym to look for something and your gym might not have what they want –they’re gonna go to someone else’s. So, find out.

 “What do you think about it?”

“Oh, it’s a little bit expensive.”

Okay, what were you expecting to pay?”

 Find that and attack the difference. So if you’re charging industry average, $150.00, and they say, “I was expecting to spend ninety-nine bucks.”

 “Oh I understand that but it can be really hard to find a qualified gym at that rate. You working out anywhere else?”

 “I’m working out at 24 Hour Fitness.”

 “So, what’s that running you? About fort bucks a month? So you’re looking at a hundred that you were expecting to pay then the forty-four in 24-Hour Fitness. So now you had a hundred and forty. Cancel that gym membership. You’re ten bucks away from being able to train here and reach your goals that you’re obviously not reaching at your current gym.”

 Work those angles. Interact with them. Find out what they really need and you’ll be able to help them out more. Just go deeper with your questioning.

If you’re getting objections it’s because:  

1. You didn’t take care of it in a very good touring consultation; and

2. They might have some kind of an issue but if you address it there, with them, most of the time, you can overcome it.

 Sometimes you can’t and that’s just part of the game but don’t think of it as sales. We’re not in the selling business even though we call it sales.


We’re consulting with people and helping them change their lives.

We’re here to help them get better. They’re coming into your gym looking for something and it’s our job to help them find it. So think about it that way. Flip the script on how you think about it.

They’re not sales objections. There might be something that’s going on in their life. Things like that.

The more you can find out, the more questions you can ask. Make it about them.  

Dig deep! The deeper you can dig, the better.

Hope this helps you out and have a great day.

If you need help in growing your school, make sure to check out my Accelerator Program.

P.S. If you want to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.

Also, take a look at my other blog post here. Enjoy! Keep crushin’ it!