Overcoming Money Blocks

Money blocks refer to psychological and emotional barriers that prevent people from attracting and managing wealth in their lives. Some common money blocks include negative beliefs about wealth, fear of failure, and poor money management skills.

You can overcome your money blocks and start attracting and managing wealth in your life. Educate yourself about personal finance. The lack of knowledge about this can lead to poor money management skills. Remember, the process of overcoming this is a continuous one, and it may take time to see the results. Be patient, persistent, and keep working towards your financial goals.

It’s time we start talking about money openly and educating ourselves and all younger generations about it.


In this Episode:

  • How to build the right money mindset
  • The best ways to educate yourself about money 
  • How to overcome your money blocks
  • Biggest limiting belief around money
  • How to get into investing and when it’s the best time to invest 
  • How to create passive and extra income

Important Quotes:

“Find things you can take action on and just take baby steps.”

“You can spend as much as little time as you want but the biggest thing is just getting started.”

“Don’t be just a consumer of knowledge. It’s a huge problem I had in the past. I would just consume and wouldn’t do anything. You got to consume something and do it.”

“The biggest thing I help people with their finances is creating automations to give them some freedom, give them some breathing.”

We all make mistakes and the best thing you can do is just move forward.”

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