Tag: Money

  • The Broke Mindset

    I really wish that I learned about this mindset a long time ago and I hope you pay attention to this blog post. A Mental Trap: Money Beliefs Shaped in Childhood When we’re born and growing up, most people I talk to in my life, my friends and I thought we had a similar childhood.…

  • Martial Arts Business Numbers

    The Four Key Martial Arts Business Numbers To Track. This is part of a 10-part series on How To Make Money With Your Martial Arts Gym. Four Key Martial Arts Business Numbers Leads How Many Leads Are You Getting A Month How many Walk-ins, Website Opt-Ins, Events, Phone Calls Always Work To Grow This Number…

  • Passive Income Code

    Are you looking to generate passive income but feeling discouraged by the time it takes to achieve it? You’re not alone. Financial freedom is a desirable goal for many, but the journey toward it can be long and arduous. In my previous interview on Hustle Less, Profit More podcast, I talk about the importance of…

  • Don’t Let Poor Financial Management Derail Your Business

    Are you on top of financial management for your business? A lot of people are great at building their businesses but are not really good at tackling their finances and addressing them. Poor financial management is far from an inevitable death sentence for your business. In fact, it is possible to avoid the pitfalls, stay…

  • How any Entrepreneur Can Become A Millionaire

    Saving and investing can seem like daunting tasks, but with the right mindset and strategies, anyone can start building their wealth and become a millionaire today.  I have over 20 years of experience and I will share some easy-to-follow tips on how to start saving and investing for the future. By following these simple steps,…

  • Living & Thriving in “What If” Mode

    A lot of people spend their time thinking about what could have been, but what if we focused on what could be? This is the power of “what if?”. Think about it: every big idea, every breakthrough, every epic adventure started with a “what if?” question. The power of “what if?” is that it unleashes…

  • Helping Others Build Financial Freedom

    Achieving financial freedom is a dream for many people. When people have enough money to live the life they want, they would not worry about their financial situation. However, not everyone knows how to achieve financial freedom. So, that’s where you come in by helping others achieve financial success. Helping others build financial freedom is…

  • Tactical Investing and Building a Financially Secure Future

    We all want a financially secure future, but many of us are unsure of how to achieve it. The good news is that it’s never too late to start taking steps towards financial security. By adopting a few simple habits and making some smart choices, you can help ensure a brighter financial future for yourself…

  • Overcoming Money Blocks

    Money blocks refer to psychological and emotional barriers that prevent people from attracting and managing wealth in their lives. Some common money blocks include negative beliefs about wealth, fear of failure, and poor money management skills. You can overcome your money blocks and start attracting and managing wealth in your life. Educate yourself about personal…

  • Making the Most of Your Money Your Way

    How to make the most of your money your way? Before you start making changes to your finances, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. You can take control of your finances and make the most of your money your way. Remember, everyone’s financial journey is unique, so it’s…