Push Past Resistance

Push Past Resistance

Let’s talk about moving beyond hurdles. You’ve got dreams, right? Of course, you do! And you’ve got a plan scribbled down somewhere on how to turn these dreams into reality. That’s where it all starts.

But I want to tackle something that often acts like a brick wall on your path to success. The bad news? It’s usually all in your head.

man in relaxed mode with the text "push past resistance"

A lot of people tell me, “I don’t want to make a video or I don’t want to do this post because I don’t think I’ll do good at this or I won’t look good in this“. They shy away from making that video, or they drag their feet about posting that article because they’re afraid they won’t be good enough, or they won’t look the part. Sound familiar?

Here’s a thought.

Why not take a few minutes and jot down all those things you think you need to do to hit your targets? It could be anything – shooting more videos, posting more often. And don’t forget to write down all those little monsters that scare you, like the fear of being judged.

Next, think about why you’re so afraid to put out content. I bet you’ll find that the one throwing roadblocks in your way is you, my friend.

It’s a weird thought, isn’t it? But it’s true. We don’t want to step out of our comfort zone because we’re scared someone might criticize us. But let’s be honest here, people are always going to have opinions. And it’s usually those closest to us that dish out the most criticism. The thing is, they often have the least impact on our business and our life.

It’s sad but a lot of times it causes resistance. They want to see you do good but not better than them. And that’s an unfortunate truth we face as people try to be above average and bust past resistance.


So, take a little time in writing down the things you need to do, and the reasons why you’re afraid to do them, and then you can address them there.

Make the video, make the post, who cares what they think because really, are they your appropriate avatar? If they are, then do some adjustments. Speak to your avatar. Don’t worry about the people that are going to judge you.

And just keep going because, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the work you put in and what you can do to improve your life. Hope you liked this. Have a great week!

Also, check out one of my blog posts here.

P.S. If you’re wanting to begin building your gym, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.