Time for a Change

Time For A Change

I want to be able to go into different areas. Cover different things. Do some more interviews and just all-around cover things I’m working on.

And that can be the main focus, leads, sales, profits, and fun.

A little bit of motivation, trying to power up for the week, and things like that.

You’re all probably staying inside and not getting things done.

This is a good time to get things done.

Make sure you’re focused on your goals, and what you still needed to get done. It’s a big focus for martial arts gyms while you’re gearing up for that.

But right now just stay and focus on your weekly tasks. And then breaking those down into daily tasks.

If you go back to older blog posts, I talk about this a lot – break down your week.

Plan it out on paper and then it’s so much easier to do. And you’ll get so much more done with so much less stress.

Focus on that this week.

What are the things you have to get done to move your business forward? To improve your health, finances, and what are the things you can do to improve your family life?

Really focus on those things, and work on getting better at all of the main key areas of life.

Stay focused there.

I was reading the book Relentless and I wanna give you one of the key points I learned from there. It talking about Michael Jordan.

Who is Michael Jordan? He stayed on top of everything he had to get done. And then he literally practiced at 5 o’clock in the morning, before team practices, because he had such big goals.

So obviously I don’t think I want to get up that early, that’s not me. But I try to get up a couple of hours early before my family is up so I can get my list done. I like to leave the house with most of my things done, that need to be done for the day.

That way when all the random things that pop up in life get in the way, you’re ready to go. You already got your key things done. Now you can deal with the bumps on the road.

You can spend a little more time focused on your training, and more time focused on your family. And just all-in-all crushing the week.

If you haven’t read Relentless yet, I highly recommend it. It’s by Tim Grover. It just talks a lot about how the people who are really motivated and you’ll be motivated to do more than the average person. And Relentless really gives you a good key area to work on from there.

Make sure to crush this week.

Also, you might want to check out one of my blogs here.

P.S. If you want to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.