Turn Your Online Traffic into New Students

Turn Your Online Traffic into New Students

Turn your online traffic into new students.

In previous blogs, I’ve shared online traffic growth strategies. These included Ways to grow your Instagram, optimize your website through proven SEO strategies, video ads and retargeting, some Facebook strategies.

Hopefully, you are taking advantage of all the online traffic you’ve been getting from these previous tips.

Now let’s turn those online traffic into sales.

Sales is the lifeblood of your business. You have to be able to sell. You’re never gonna have a good enough school unless you hire a great salesperson to help you.

But the trick is to not be a sleazy salesman.

Be an honest and legit person. Genuinely care about the people coming in and helping them reach their goals.

You should already have the qualification. You should already be a good instructor who wants to help people reach the goal that they want.

People are coming to your gym for a reason. If you could figure it out, then you have a student for life, they’re going to be so invested in your gym.

Getting into sales

Treat your clients like you treat your best friend. Treat clients like somebody you want to help or someone you care about.

Maintain strong eye contact, smile, good handshake, walk them to the gym, give them a quick tour if you want, show them around and see if they have questions.

When it’s time to sell, the easiest thing you can do to close the sale is to ASK these TOP 2 things. I have explained them further in one of my blog posts and you may check it here.

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.