Category: Momentum Monday

  • Martial Arts Business Numbers

    The Four Key Martial Arts Business Numbers To Track. This is part of a 10-part series on How To Make Money With Your Martial Arts Gym. Four Key Martial Arts Business Numbers Leads How Many Leads Are You Getting A Month How many Walk-ins, Website Opt-Ins, Events, Phone Calls Always Work To Grow This Number…

  • How To Have A Great Martial Arts Gym Staff

    Have A Great Martial Arts Gym Staff This is crucial as you grow your gym. You need good people to help you as you can’t do everything on your own in the long run. Your martial arts gym staff members are the people who represent you and your gym’s brand and core values on a…

  • How To Get The Most Out of Your Digital Marketing Dollar

    Get the most out of your digital marketing dollar. Did you know that the simplest way to get to a massive audience with the least amount of money is through videos? It doesn’t have to be professionally done. It must be decent and clear enough for people to hear and understand that you can help them…

  • How To Get Better Search Results

    Today we’re gonna be talking about search traffic. How to get better search results. Where does search come from? People are always arguing about Facebook, Instagram, and Google AdWords. We had an interesting conversation on a coaching call last week. I was talking to my clients and somebody’s like, “Hey I’m looking for a new accountant.…

  • Amplified Traffic for Entrepreneurs

    Let’s talk about a really cool thing that I do a lot for a bunch of different industries – offline and online. It’s a topic called Amplified Traffic. Amplified Traffic is what you want to do to drive as much traffic as you can to your website. Of course, make sure it’s pixeled for Facebook,…

  • Tell Me Why I Should Buy Your Product?

    Tell Me Why I Should Buy Your Product? Seriously, you want me to explain this to you… The sad thing was in the past I would spend a ton of time convincing someone why they needed what I am offering. Literally explaining it until my head was about to explode like a bag of burning…

  • The Power of Email

    I know we’re all obsessed with digital marketing. The newest Facebook ads, Instagram, and Facebook stories but the most powerful traffic you can own is that from your email list. As James Schramko says, “with an email list, you own the racecourse!”. Your ad accounts could get disabled, you can get kicked out of Facebook…

  • Define Your Market To Grow Your Martial Arts School

    This week we’re gonna talk about “who is your market”? This is more important than any funnel, any sale system you can build out. If you don’t know who you’re talking to then you’re gonna be falling on deaf ears most of the time. You’re gonna waste a ton of money. This is super, super…

  • Build Your Gym Around Your Life

    Build your gym around your life. Many people get caught up in the hustle, the grind. And yes, that’s part when you get started. I’ve been in the hustle-grind mode where I got high blood pressure. The doctor wanted to put me on high blood pressure medicine. My sister passed away at 34 from complications…

  • Why You Need To Go To Live Events

    Why You Need To Go To Live Events I’ve read all the books, taken all the courses, been to some of the highest level masterminds in the world but I always get something different from the events that I go to. A lot of times, the speakers and the presentations involve a lot of selling…